Thursday, January 31, 2008

Something to brag about

“But when a long train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their Right, it is their duty, to throw off such a Government and to provide new guards for their future security.”

The Declaration of Independence was founded on a belief that people have the “unalienable” right to demand change from a system that imposes on their rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

People can’t experience freedom until they have no one telling them what to do. The government has already set up institutions that provide you a decent salary and healthcare and those other things young people don’t think about when they’re still idealists: Americorps, Peace Corps, Marine Corps, Water corps, Crisis Corps, Service Corps, Veteran’s Corps, Retired Corps are just some of the opportunities people have to serve their country.

Right now this whole organization is arguably more of a face of American diplomacy, something that looks good on paper. I truly believe though, with improved communication with things like Wiki’s and Peace Corps Partnerships, Volunteers are gaining the resources to do some real freakin development work.

My bad, I’m just ranting cuz I think Peace Corps is a very good diplomatic organization and want more people to apply. There should be every effort short of a draft to get people serving a few years in Americorps and/or Peace Corps. The fact that these things aren’t recognized as reputable as a graduate degree is a shame. Financially it’s a better bet – you won’t get in further debt and you get more life experience here than you will in a schoolroom. It just a matter of marketing. How do you market something that is so essential personally, and socially? Internet seems like a good idea. I’ll probably try that someday.

One person won’t change the reputation of a country. It’s the responsibility of every citizen to give their country something to brag about.

What’s fucked up about the world is when people act like nothing is fucked.

Think about it, consistent salary, good benefits, solid healthcare plan. It’s like a giant union that you are already paying for. Now, just incentive. These programs need to be marketed, funded, and expanded… wisely. People haven’t been informed or coached to take responsibility for their country’s reputation, to take pride in something and to recognize that freedom lies in spending your time doing what you want to be doing, without pressure that you won’t make enough money for the company or need to look like you are. Think if there was a leader up there who encouraged people to produce by going at things their own way. A leader who motivated you to produce but didn’t actually make you do anything but show up. The government is the man, because he let’s you do what you want. All you have to do is show up sober and don’t harass your coworkers.

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