Friday, February 08, 2008

If technology doubles every 18 months...

If technology doubles every 18 months, I estimate Cape Verde will be where America is now, in terms of personal access to information, in about 5 ½ years. What that means for community growth will be interesting.

Down the street from me, a new Internet café is about to open up. Another one across town just did. I already know of about five others at are in a town. A few of my students have personal laptops, just a few.

I think my family, in America, got their first personal computer around 1988. We were upper middle class, so maybe I would have been one of those kids bringing the laptop to school.

If Cape Verde is 20 years behind America in technological development, and it spreads as fast as the 2x/18mo ratio, it seems like trying to align community development with the growth of the Internet would be the fastest way to eliminating poverty and giving people jobs.

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