Friday, May 16, 2008

40 minutes, some words that grabbed my attention and why

If you can’t do anything right, do a lot.
-philosophy of Mao Zedong
I don’t like to hurt people, but I think Mao and I are on the same page when it comes to what we do

Pride is something God Almighty greatly dislikes, as it arouses a man to feel superior.
-Osama bin Laden
I don’t like pride either. At least in the sense Osama describes here. I think the values of the West, pride (and ego) easily being among them, must be reevaluated for Americans to see any significant progress in the Middle East. That, in addition to, both sides ceasing the religious and political justification of killing innocent people. Okay, yes... it is complicated.

Nao existe fé sem obediencia.
(Faith doesn’t exist without obedience)

-Biblia da Igreja de Jesus Christo
(from the Bible of the Mormon Church)

Mormon’s don’t ask questions - they obey their system of beliefs. That is what they do (as far as I understand). I think there’s something admirable about that. What system of beliefs does your average American unquestioningly follow?

Peace Corps, small and symbolic, might be good public relations, but a Peace Corps that was large and had a major impact on problems in other countries could transform the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE WORLD.
-Sergeant Shriver, the agency’s first director, 1961

The energy in sunlight hitting the Earth every 40 minutes is equivalent to the world’s total annual energy consumption.
- 2007 Scientific American article
What are we waiting for?

1 comment:

Will D. said...

Bro.... get back to Molly, ASAP she has some money for your project!