Flexibility + Money = Happiness
When you're in charge of a government, I would imagine you want the people who work for you to be very good at what they do. You want talented, articulate, knowledgeable people in their field in charge of the oversight of that department.
How do you get talented people to work for you? Well, what do you need to be happy in a job? Money and flexibility.
If this is true, let’s put their sum equal to happiness:
Flexibility + Salary = Happiness
If your flexibility in a job goes up, the amount of money you need to be happy goes down:
(Flexibility + X) + (Money – X) = Happiness.
(Flexibility + infinity) + (Money – infinity)(0) = Happiness.
So if you give people enough flexibility in their job, you wont have to pay them at all. In fact, if they’re ambitious enough, they would figure out how to make money themselves.
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